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Sunday, July 8, 2012

DIY Geometric Embroidered Notebooks

The Curious Doodles shop has so many super cool, do-it-yourself embroidery items, and I’m completely enamored with this DIY Geometric Pocket Notebook Embroidery Kit. The design was inspired by Sashiko stitching, and you can use the pattern included in the kit or create your own.
Each embroidery kit comes with two perforated and ready-to-stitch notebooks – make one for yourself and give the second to a friend, or give the kit to someone who loves to embroider.

images from Curious Doodles


YongyuthKathoey said...

Uttaradit Rajabhat University
Ladyboys cannot thrive or succeed in society without individual and institutional sponsors. I am proud to say that Uttaradit Rajabhat University, my university, is finally becoming a leader in ladyboy rights. We have taken three steps to promote and secure ladyboy freedom. First, our student dormitories have a new ladyboy section in addition to the male and female sections. I have volunteered to be the Ladyboy dorm advisor and have already planned for a variety of pajama parties. Second, we have created a ladyboy mentoring program for ladyboys facing bullying or harassment. Finally, we have created a "Ladyboy for a Week" campaign where the President and Deans of Uttaradit Rajabhat University dress and act as Ladyboys around campus and at home for a week. I helped the President dress as a ladyboy and applied his make-up and it was all good fun. Any individuals or institutions wishing to folow the lead of Uttaradit Rajabhat University should contact me for more details.

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